Why we are doing this...

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One of the essential things to remember-in case you are listening to "experts" that are NOT, or think, because you live in an alternate reality, that this crisis doesn't apply to you is this:

Our hospitals are already stressed in terms of staff and equipment ON A GOOD DAY. Many hospitals and emergency rooms run at near full capacity already-and have been, long before this.

SO refusing to practice social distancing will not only lead to an inability to care for all the new cases of COVID 19 that are about to flood and overwhelm the already stressed system, it also means that the doctors may be forced to make life altering choices-deciding in the moment who will live or die-not just for those with the virus, BUT FOR ANYONE WHO COMES IN TO THE ER!!

Will there be a bed for you when you have a heart attack and need a ventilator? Or fall off your horse? Or wreck your car? Or need an emergency C-section/other surgery? Or need blood transfusions to manage your cancer? Or chemotherapy??

We the people have the capacity to at least mitigate this crisis by staying home and choosing to NOT overwhelm an already weak system

Will you please realize, finally ,that this is not just about you??
This is about your loved ones and everybody else and their loved ones. And yes, the economy will suffer
The economy will NOT flourish, however, if we are all sick or dead. How much will money matter then?

It is, in my humble opinion, way past time for us to show up as adults who give a damn about each other. If we overreact, so be it. If we under react, people will die unnecessarily , and it could be you or someone you love.

Let's make a pact to care
Let's agree to forego some of our creature comforts
Let's realize we all breathe the same air and inhabit the same planet
Let's take care of each other and learn to live in a new, more sustainable way for ourself and the planet.

I am unable to see what the other choice is --except more death, more loss and more destruction.

We are resilient-we have proven it since the beginning of human time on this planet. But the scales are tipping now.

Now is the time to take simple actions to create a world that supports all of us-before it is too late

Whatever you choose, know that you are choosing the future for your children and grandchildren.

Choose carefully. Choose well.
Choose love and kindness.
Choose inclusion.
Choose equality.
Choose to share and not hoard
Failure to choose is choosing the opposite.
Choose LOVE.

The future of all of us rests in your hands.
Gina 🙏💕☮️🌎 💫