Are you exhausted and eager for change?
Do you long to catalyze your own deep healing?
Have you lost connection with your deepest truest self?

So many people today are struggling to navigate these stormy times

Are you one of them? 


Here's what I've found to be true:

Whenever we are going through difficult times, it’s absolutely necessary to take in other perspectives that can help us to see our situation more clearly.

It's especially helpful to listen to the wisdom of elders, teachers, healers and thought leaders who have been through similar challenges before, and who can offer sound advice to guide you. 

Sweeping changes are occurring daily, in our inner / personal / spiritual lives, and in the external realities of society, economics, education, politics, environment, and more. All of this can be unsettling, to say the least. 

But while things feel extremely difficult, we know in our hearts that there is always a higher reason for the things we are experiencing.

We are being guided through these times by powers much more ancient & intelligent than ourselves! 

If you’d like to learn more about how to shift into a new reality …

A new way of living & being on our amazing planet Earth …

Then I have something very exciting to share with you! 

I have been selected as one of 27 thought leaders, shamans, teachers, healers, and experts to present in the Embracing Radical Change Global Transformation Event from October 21 - 27.

I'm calling my talk:
Self-Empowering Medicine: 
Break Free from Survival Mode and Catalyze Deep Healing 

And it's just a tiny sliver of the healing wisdom available here in this webinar!

I’m deeply honored and humbled to be speaking alongside such amazing and inspirational teachers and healers as Charles Eisenstein, Clare Dubois, Woman Stands Shining, Teal Swan, Ya’Acov & Susannah Darling Khan, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Terry Patten, Simone Wright, Aeolian Heart, Dr. Tayria Ward, Dr. John Ryan, Susan Jenkins, Veronica Goodchild, and so many others! 

This event has been designed to bring you new ideas, open you up to vast opportunities, and allow you to step into your highest self ... So you can move out of dense, heavy energies and into lightness and ease.

AND Embracing Radical Change is completely FREE to all registered attendees!

Simply click here to register, and get ready to receive the wisdom, inspiration, and life-changing insights that you’ve been longing to receive.

It is truly an honor to be in such esteemed company to share work that continues to enrich my life, with the deepest hope that it could guide you toward healing as well~

I've participated in Jocelyn's events before, and have been the grateful recipient of her heartfelt support and guidance. I've also heard many of these wise ones offer their insights and deep wisdom and always find the experience to be joyfully inspiring and revolutionary!

Open your mind and heart and join us!

Register for free here